Gamifying your virtual class

Covid-19 has disrupted the way we work, live and learn. Many businesses, organisations and industries have shifted the way they work and learn to digital platforms. As a learning professional in an organisation or educational facility, you may have had to shift from in-person facilitation to virtual facilitation. This shift may have been easy for Read more about Gamifying your virtual class[…]

Fonts to Drive Learning Transfer

Fonts are usually last on an eLearning developer’s list of things to be aware of when designing their courses. However, the type of fonts you use contribute to great learning design and enhanced learning retention. Here are five golden rules on the selection of fonts that every eLearning developer should know:   Less is more Read more about Fonts to Drive Learning Transfer[…]

Virtual Reality in the Classroom

Virtual Reality (VR) is on the doorstep of education and is beginning to shape the way we deliver learning experiences. Learners retain more information through visual interactions and can better apply their knowledge after participating in the actual tasks. In the current age of digital devices, we have the opportunity to enable better knowledge transfer Read more about Virtual Reality in the Classroom[…]

Using Curiosity to Unlock Learning

Have you ever wondered what Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison had in common? These great geniuses and inventors all had personalities that were filled with curiosity. Curiosity is a quality related to inquisitive thinking such as exploration, investigation and learning. It is heavily associated with all aspects of human development, in which Read more about Using Curiosity to Unlock Learning[…]

Making Learning Accessible

  Organisations normally deliver employee training through eLearning. This allows them to reach a wider audience in a shorter period. Most eLearning is developed using standard authoring tool functionality and is targeted to the general learner. But what about employees who have disabilities which negatively impact their learning needs? How is your organization developing eLearning Read more about Making Learning Accessible[…]

AI and its impact in the Classroom

The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) technology is transforming education, from curriculum design to assessments. For years, educators have struggled to help each learner with their individualised learning needs, with large numbers of students in the classroom, standardised tests, trying to manage parents and satisfying often changing curriculum requirements. AI could never replace our educators Read more about AI and its impact in the Classroom[…]

How to ensure that employees complete your eLearning course

Companies often spend massive amounts towards employee training. The assumption is that enhancing employee skill set improves job performance, productivity, business profitability and is beneficial for the employee. However, employees often lack enthusiasm towards training. Employees often complain about eLearning being boring, compliance-orientated or irrelevant. Here are 5 tips to ensure that your employees complete Read more about How to ensure that employees complete your eLearning course[…]

Chatbots and their impact on Digital Learning

There are various devoted digital assistants such as Microsoft’s Cortana, Apple’s Siri and Google Assistant, which enables us to effortlessly plan our meetings and dinner dates, and with the large monetary investments in these types of machine learning, the rise of robots and artificial intelligence are most definitely changing our world. What are Chatbots? A Read more about Chatbots and their impact on Digital Learning[…]

Big Data in eLearning – Are Our Learners Just Another Number?

Big Data is the new buzz word in all organisations and in all aspects of business. Big Data gives you the power to understand the environment and your business, and provides the know-how to improving your Return On Investment (ROI). But how is Big Data impacting the learning environment and our learners?   What is Read more about Big Data in eLearning – Are Our Learners Just Another Number?[…]
