AI and its impact in the Classroom

The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) technology is transforming education, from curriculum design to assessments. For years, educators have struggled to help each learner with their individualised learning needs, with large numbers of students in the classroom, standardised tests, trying to manage parents and satisfying often changing curriculum requirements. AI could never replace our educators Read more about AI and its impact in the Classroom[…]

Chatbots and their impact on Digital Learning

There are various devoted digital assistants such as Microsoft’s Cortana, Apple’s Siri and Google Assistant, which enables us to effortlessly plan our meetings and dinner dates, and with the large monetary investments in these types of machine learning, the rise of robots and artificial intelligence are most definitely changing our world. What are Chatbots? A Read more about Chatbots and their impact on Digital Learning[…]

Changing the Face of Learning with Augmented Reality

I recently took a trip to New York City and other than losing my soul in this concrete jungle, I was also really impressed by the use of technology in all aspects of the city – from Wifi in the underground trains to the successful use of augmented reality apps at tourist attractions and museums. This got me Read more about Changing the Face of Learning with Augmented Reality[…]
