Chatbots and their impact on Digital Learning

There are various devoted digital assistants such as Microsoft’s Cortana, Apple’s Siri and Google Assistant, which enables us to effortlessly plan our meetings and dinner dates, and with the large monetary investments in these types of machine learning, the rise of robots and artificial intelligence are most definitely changing our world. What are Chatbots? A Read more about Chatbots and their impact on Digital Learning[…]

Swop your resolutions for SMART Goals

  Every new year, I’m filled with hope and determination as I make my resolutions for the year. I have a sense of optimism that this year will be the year I accomplish my resolutions. And every year my resolutions last about a week if I’m lucky. I’m left with regret and a sense of Read more about Swop your resolutions for SMART Goals[…]

Developing your Inner Leader

Being a leader has nothing to do with titles, one’s position in the hierarchy of a company or how many degrees one has. Leadership is the ability to influence and translate vision into reality. Robin Sharma, the best-selling author, summarises leadership perfectly as “Leadership is a philosophy. It’s an attitude. It’s a state of mind. Read more about Developing your Inner Leader[…]
